Do you want change, but the direction is unclear?
Starbooster helps you to clarify your dreams!

If you feel that you need a change but you aren't sure, what is your target, I can help you to clarify it with coaching. The subject can be interior change but as well as any other field in your life e.g. job, career, studying, life management, targets etc.
Coaching is always a personalised process where the coach and the coachee meet approximately monthly (1,5-2 hours/meeting) and the process typically continues for 3-6 monts. The first coaching meeting is good to be held face-to-face after which the following meetings can be held by phone or videomeeting.
The target of the coaching is that you can take in use your own internal power to reach your targets. The main target for the whole coaching process will be set in the first meeting and this target will be then divided into sub targets in and in between the following meetings.
Coaching as a method is very empowering interaction, which opens up thinking and gives new viewpoints and ideas. Coaching increases your self-knowledge, wellbeing, balance in life and directorship.
The coach does not give you any advises or guidelines, but instead listens to very carefully what you say and think and acts as a mirror to your own thoughts by asking questions. The coach makes you to listen to yourself, take your internal power better in use and with that way find your own answers and solutions to the topic in hand... and gently pushes you to also take the action and make the change you need.
To read more about coaching and its ethical guidelines, please check the ICF (International Coach Federation).