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1-2 h /kerta


Huom! Kartoituskäynti veloitetaan, vaikka projekti ei käynnistyisi. 


Maalaustyöt 38 €/h​

Erikoismaalaustyöt 43 €/h

Tapetointi 41 €/h

Lattian asennus 38 €/h

Sisustustekstiilien ompelu 38 €/h



max 4 h 300 €/kerta


75 €/h (työ sisältää sovitut dokumentit)





(työ ei sisällä dokumentteja)


max 2 h 150€/kerta

max 5 h 300 €/kerta


189 €/kerta


Coaching on tehokkainta prosessina, joka sisältää vähintään 3 tapaamiskertaa. 

Needs Assessment


1-2 h 65 €/meeting


Note! The needs assessment meeting will be charged, even if the project won't be started



Painting 38 €/h

Effect wall techniques 43 €/h

Wallpapering 41 €/h

Floor installation 38 €/h

Interior styling max 4 h 300 €/time

Interior Design


75 €/h (incl. agreed documents)


Interior Consultation

(excl. documentation):

max 2 h 150 €/time

max 4 h 300 €/time



189 €/meeting


Coaching is the most efficient as a process which includes min 3 meetings.

All the above listed prices include VAT 25,5 %.


In addition, a separate mileage fee is charged for destination visits, in 2025 0,59 €/km (+ VAT 25,5%).


Starbooster Design operates mainly in the capital area / Uusimaa region in Finland, but if agreed the services are available also elsewhere. 

The total price is determined by the project

The cost of work on interior design and implementation projects consists of two factors: the hourly rate and the scope of the project.


For example an interior design for a bedroom or for a living room costs appr. 600-1200 €, when an interior design for a kitchen costs appr. 1100-1500€. 

In the implementation work, the workload and thus the price of the project work are affected by e.g. the initial situation of the space, whether something needs to be dismantled / removed at first before the surface work (e.g. old wallpaper), or whether the painting work can be started directly with a small leveling work.


Thus, in this price list, it is difficult to give an exact price for your particular project. But no worries, after the customer needs assessment meeting, you will always give you a written offer about the estimated total cost of the project.


In addition, when planning the overall budget of the change project, it is good to keep in mind that the implementation projects will also include material and furniture purchases (paints, screeds, wallpaper, flooring, fabrics, etc.), which are not included in the prices listed above, but I will give you also a cost estimate for these. 


Remember that for work done at home (painting, wallpapering, floor installation) it is also possible to get a household deduction in your own taxation.


When you have found the service you will need, please contact, and let’s talk more about how I could help you achieve your dreams!

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